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Carolyn Fredericks, MD

Faculty Member

Center for Neurocognition and Behavior

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Multimodal imaging approaches to neurodegeneration

The Fredericks Lab uses multimodal neuroimaging techniques, including structural and functional MRI as well as targeted PET, to probe the functional circuits impacted in neurodegenerative disease. The lab has a special interest in less common Alzheimer’s variants and other neurodegenerative processes where the predominant symptoms relate to behavioral, visuospatial, or language function rather than to memory. Neurodegenerative processes commonly target specific intrinsic connectivity networks within the brain, offering a unique opportunity to ask and answer fundamental questions about the functional neuroanatomy of socioemotional, spatial, and language processing in the living human brain.




Carolyn Fredericks is an Assistant Professor of Neurology who trained at Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and UCSF, then completed a fellowship in behavioral neurology at UCSF's Memory and Aging Center. She joined Yale in Fall 2019 to establish a lab focused on using multimodal neuroimaging to identify abnormalities in functional circuitry in less common neurodegenerative disorders; the lab also has an interest in understanding what causes certain groups to be more vulnerable to neurodegeneration. She is the mother of two young boys, a former backcountry caretaker on the Appalachian Trail, and an avid reader and baker.